Mindfulness Series

4 Part Series:

Mindfulness Series

  • 4 Videos


‘Mindfulness’ has become the new buzzword, but what is it really? We will be looking at mindfulness in this short series being guided by how the ancient yoga masters and the Vedas describe mindfulness. Many say that mindfulness promotes self-awareness, but if I mistakenly think that the temporary body I am occupying is the ‘self’, then how can this lead to true self-awareness?  Focusing on worldly experience and sense stimulation is also not real mindfulness but, stepping back and becoming the ‘silent witness’ of the flow of mind-stuff is, and this experience can become a catalyst for true self-awareness.

In this Series

Mindfulness – What’s The Point?
Mindfulness - What's the point?

May 30, 2017

A short (10min) but useful introduction to mindfulness and its practical application in my daily life. How to use it as a tool to living a more meaningful, peaceful and happy existence.
9 min 1 of 4 in Series
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Mindfulness Or Mind Full Ness
Mindfulness or MIND-FULL-ness

February 4, 2019

Every time I turn around I hear the new buzzword 'Mindfulness', but what is it really? We will be looking at mindfulness in this short series being guided by how the ancient yoga masters and the Vedas describe mindfulness? Many…
34 min 2 of 4 in Series
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Mindfulness & Digital Narcissism
Mindfulness & Digital Narcissism

February 14, 2019

This is a continuation of the theme of Mindfulness. In this talk we examine how the self-absorption of the ‘selfie’ addict is a 180-degrees from true Mindfulness. Mindfulness contributes to the awakening of the foundational experience and realization, that the…
39 min 3 of 4 in Series
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Mindfulness & Meditation
Mindfulness & Meditation

February 24, 2019

This is the final talk in the Mindfulness series. We summarize the purpose and goal of the practice of mindfulness and the two main categories of meditation which were performed by the transcendentalists since time immemorial. In the first category…
42 min 4 of 4 in Series
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