The Mind Mindfulness And Me

4 Part Series:

The Mind, Mindfulness, & Me

  • 4 Videos


If you want to live a life where you can experience peace, joy, and fulfillment, then there is an urgent need to be more in control of your mind and emotions.  If you are the servant of your mind and its’ innumerable desires and make decisions based upon waves of emotion that can sweep over the mind, you will fundamentally be unhappy. And there is a deep spiritual reason for this. This series offers very practical ways to make your life better.

In this Series

The Mind – Best Friend Or Worst Enemy
The Mind - Best Friend or Worst Enemy

February 2, 2021

This is a series of four talks titled “The Mind, Mindfulness, & Me”. If you want to live a life where you can experience peace, joy, and fulfillment, then there is an urgent need to be more in control of…
1hr 12 min 1 of 4 in Series
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Riding The Waves Of Emotion
Riding the Waves of Emotion

February 3, 2021

This is the second in a series of four talks titled “The Mind, Mindfulness, & Me”. Some good advice for us all is that in a heightened state of emotions, whether negative or so-called positive emotions, one should not speak,…
1hr 11 min 2 of 4 in Series
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The Body Is A Chariot
The Body is a Chariot

February 4, 2021

This is the fourth and final talk in a series titled “The Mind, Mindfulness, & Me”. Here we examine the spiritual paradigm which should be foundational to how we live in and interact with the world. You are an eternal…
1hr 22 min 3 of 4 in Series
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External Forces Affecting The Mind
External Forces Affecting the Mind

February 4, 2021

This is the third in a series of four talks titled “The Mind, Mindfulness, & Me”. There are many external forces which affect my mind and emotions. We may be aware of some of them, like peer pressure, social media,…
43 min 4 of 4 in Series
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